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DMEM, low glucose

DMEM, low glucose


Item No:BL308A



15 PV


   DMEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium) is used for a variety of mammalian cell culture manufacturing processes and research applications.It is a modification of Basal Medium Eagle (BME) that contains a concentration more important of amino acids and vitamins and also supplementary components. It contains 4 times the concentration of amino acids and vitamins than the original Eagle's Minimal Essential Medium. DMEM medium is frequently combined with fetal bovine serum (FBS, 10%) as DMEM media composition does not include the growth factors, proteins, hormones, or lipids needed to promote cell growth.


1. After strict quality screening of raw materials, from the source to ensure the excellent quality of products 
2. All media products were dissolved in distilled water and the contents of endotoxin is ensure lower than 1.0EU/ mL 
3. All products have been filtered and sterilized by 0.1um for ready-to-use and convenience 
4. The product production environment all conforms to the GMP level standard, has passed the ISO9001 authentication 
5. The production procedure layer by layer checks, the specialized production, the product quality is consistent 

Component:1. With: Low Glucose, L-glutamine, Phenol Red, Sodium Pyruvate
                      2. Without: HEPES

Storage: 4℃

Shelf Life:Store at 4℃  for 1 year.

Item No BL308A
Size 500ml
Brand Biosharp
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