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Tris-EDTA buffer


Item No:BL531A



15 PV


     Tris–EDTA (TE) is routinely used for suspending nucleic acid samples. Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer is commonly used in work with nucleic acids. Examples include as a solubilization buffer in DNA and RNA purification, as a running buffer in electrophoresis, and as a general storage buffer for nucleic acids.


1. Convenient—Ready to use
2. Reduced preparation time — no reagents to weigh or filter
3. Quality-controlled reagent — guarantees reproducible results

Component:1. Tris—10mM
                      2. EDTA—1mM
                      3. pH—8.0

Storage: RT

Shelf Life:Store at RT for 1 year.

Item No BL531A
Size 100ml
Brand Biosharp
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