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Blocking Buffer for Western Blotting

Blocking Buffer for Western Blotting


Item No:BL535A



15 PV


    The membrane supports, such as nitrocellulose and polyvinylidene diflurode (PVDF), used in western blotting have a high affinity for proteins. To prevent nonspecific binding of detection antibodies during the steps following transfer, unoccupied sites on the membrane surface must be blocked.Selection of blocking buffer can help to increase the system’s signal-to-noise ratio. 

The Blocking Buffer for western blot is a BSA based buffer that is designed to reduce background interference due to non-specific binding. After blocking, it can reduce the subsequent non-specific binding of the primary or secondary antibody to the membrane, reduce the background, and enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. Normally, blocking at room temperature for 60 minutes is sufficient. For some antibodies with high background, blocking overnight at 4°C.


1. Convenient—Ready to use
2. Reduced preparation time — no reagents to weigh or filter
3. Sensitive—Reduces non-specific antibody binding to reduce background while maintaining excellent sensitivity


Storage: 4°C

Shelf Life:Store at 4°C for 1 year.

Item No BL535A
Size 100ml
Brand Biosharp
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