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Commassie Brilliant Blue Staining Solution

Commassie Brilliant Blue Staining Solution


Item No:BL605A



15 PV


  Coomassie Brilliant Blue is a dye commonly used for the visualization of proteins separated by SDS-PAGE, offering a simple staining procedure and high quantitation.  The more popular is Coomassie R250 (Reddish tinted blue) for electrophoresis (more sensitive: can detect as little as 0.1 µg of protein), and Coomassie G250 (Greenish tinted blue) for protein assay in solutions (because it is more convenient - soluble). 

This product is made up of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250, which is one of the most common forms of coomassie dye that can be used for staining of SDS-PAGE or native gel. It has been modified so that it does not contain toxic methanol, but contains pungent acetic acid.


1. Safety—Non-toxic
2. Convenient—Ready to use for fast and easy staining
3. Efficient—For a first rapid destain, takes a few minutes.
4. Easy detection—Develops intensely colored complexes with proteins


Storage: RT

Shelf Life:Store at RT for 1 year.

Item No BL605A
Size 250mL
Brand Biosharp
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