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Fastblue Protein Safestain solution

Fastblue Protein Safestain solution


Item No:BL607A



15 PV


     FastBlue Protein Staining Solution is a sensitive, economical formulation of colloidal coomassie G-250 dye for endpoint staining of proteins in polyacrylamide gels and on PVDF membranes without methanol or acetic acid.This stain eliminates extensive solution preparation time and expenditure.


1. Easy-to-use—simply soak the gel in the ready-to-use solution and observe stained bands without destaining 
2. Staining time—10 to 15 minute protocol 
3. Safe—does not contain methanol or acetic acid 
4. Dynamic range—linear dynamic range of 10 to 500 ng.
5. Economical—can be reused up to three times 


Storage: RT

Shelf Life:Store at RT for 1 year.

Item No BL607A
Size 500ml
Brand Biosharp
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