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Propidium Iodide Staining Solution

Propidium Iodide Staining Solution


Item No:BL708A



15 PV


    The Prodidium Iodide (PI) Staining Solution may be used to assess plasma membrane (PM) integrity in Annexin V apoptosis assays. PI is a fluorescent vital dye that stains DNA. It does not cross the PM of cells that are viable or in the early stages of apoptosis because they maintain PM integrity. In contrast those cells in the late stages of apoptosis or already dead have lost PM integrity and are permeable to PI. PI is detected in the orange range of the spectrum using a 535-615 nm band pass filter. PI is used in flow cytometric assays to distinguish cells that are in the earlier stages of apoptosis from those that are in the later stages of apoptosis or already dead.


1. Red fluorescent nucleic acid stain
2. Fluorescence increases 20- to 30-fold when bound to nucleic acids
3. Dead cell specific in all cell types, including mammalian cells, bacteria, and yeast
4. Compatible with flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy


Storage:  -20℃

Shelf Life:Store at -20℃ for 1 year.

Item No BL708A
Size 1ml
Brand Biosharp
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